Today we will take a look at the relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. There is one Divine Being responsible for creation, yet mankind has interpreted this being in many ways and not of himself. There is a movement underway to unite the 3 major religions of the world in spite of differences in doctrine, each being respectful of the other beliefs. Our purpose behind looking at these 3 religions is to make a comparison with what they all teach, against what the Word of YAHWEH, the bible, teaches. Consider the following passage:
Amos 3:3 Will two walk together except they are agreed? How can we walk with Yahweh if we disagree with HIS Word?
1 Corinthians 1:10 And I appeal to you brothers, by the Name of our Master Yahushua the Messiah, that you all agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be knit together in the same mind and in the same opinion.