Greetings to All who Follow the Lamb of Yahweh wheresoever He go and also to those who serve and worship The Mighty One of Israel in SPIRIT and IN TRUTH...
As a seed burst forth producing fruitful buds and flowers, spiritual growth is inevitable and necessary. We evolve as deeper understandings are uncovered. "Shall I hide anything from my servent Abraham??....our Heavenly Father inquired. He is not just a Father or a Mighty one to us...but He is also a friend.
Our Mighty one of Yisrael, Yahweh of Hosts, Creator of the Universe, the Elohim of Abraham, Issac and Yackov indeed LIVES.
And His Spirit is indeed among us.
We are a body of believers who earnestly strive to become like our Brother, Our Redeemer and Rabbi, Yahushua Ha Moshiach.
Let us learn together......
Drop us a line. .......Sabbath services are held @ 1pm. All Fervent Bible Believers are welcome.